1. Trace and cut one large butterfly from yellow craft foam. Apply glue to one side of butterfly and press, centered on orange craft foam. Let dry. Cut out around edges of yellow butterfly.
2. Trace and cut remaining patterns from craft foam. Cut as follows:
1 small butterfly – orange
2 pattern #1 – orange
2 pattern #2 – orange
1 small butterfly – bright pink
2 pattern #3 – bright pink
1 butterfly body – black (use paper edgers)
3. Draw details on yellow side of large butterfly and both sides of small butterflies with black marker.
4. Drill one hole ¼” from edge on each end of jumbo craft stick. Punch a hole in either end of black craft foam butterfly body. Apply glue to one side of jumbo craft stick and apply black craft foam body, lining up the holes on either end. Glue remaining craft foam shapes and assorted colored pony beads to yellow side of butterfly. Glue a line of black pony beads down the center of the two small butterflies. Let dry.
5. Fold down 7” on one end of orange craft lace. Tie together in knot 6” from fold. String craft lace from front to back through top hole, then back through bottom hole. String bright pink butterfly and one black pony bead. Tie bead in place. String orange butterfly in same manner. String remaining pony beads on end of craft lace. Tie jingle bell on bottom.
buat hiasa dalam kelas pun menarik ni. boleh buat masa cuti ni :)